
Artisan Worktables allows restricting recipes based on a player's unlocked game stages.


import mods.artisanintegrations.requirement.GameStages;

Requirement Builder

If you want to require a player to have certain game stages unlocked to craft a recipe, call the following methods on the builder:

GameStagesRequirementBuilder allOf(String[] stages);
GameStagesRequirementBuilder anyOf(String[] stages);

The player will be required to have unlocked all of the stages defined in the method allOf and at least one of the stages defined in the method anyOf to craft the recipe.

If you want to require a player to not have certain game stages unlocked, call the following method on the builder:

GameStagesRequirementBuilder exclude(String[] stages);

If a player has unlocked any of the game stages provided in the method exclude, the recipe can't be crafted.


For example, the following recipe requires that the player has unlocked both game stages one and two to craft the recipe.

import mods.artisanworktables.builder.RecipeBuilder;
import mods.artisanintegrations.requirement.GameStages;

  .addRequirement(GameStages.allOf(["one", "two"]))

To present another example, the following recipe requires that the player has unlocked either game stage one or two, but not three to craft the recipe:

import mods.artisanworktables.builder.RecipeBuilder;
import mods.artisanintegrations.requirement.GameStages;

  .addRequirement(GameStages.anyOf(["one", "two"]).exclude(["three"]))